USR Governance

Welcome to the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood from the 2024-25 Board of Trustees.

The USR is governed by a Board of Trustees, which is elected by the congregation and adheres to a set of bylaws approved by the congregation. In a recent reorganization approved by the congregation, the Trustees established Circles of administrative responsibility and authority to oversee areas of Society business. Each Circle is led by a Facilitator who coordinates its work consistent with the Mission and Covenant of the Society. Circle Facilitators serve for a maximum term of three years and may not serve an immediate consecutive term as Facilitator for any Circle, except with Board approval.

There is a Nominating Committee, elected annually by the congregation. Its role is to foster leadership development and to select nominees to serve on the Board of Trustees and the Nominating Committee.

The standing committees of the congregation are the Committee on Shared Ministry (facilitates congregational communication to ensure the emotional well-being of the congregation; works with the minister to assess congregational areas of ministry and then makes recommendations to improve functioning; provides counsel to the minister; and facilitates covenantal behavior within the community), Safe Congregation Response Team (monitors, assesses and works to improve the physical safety of USR Congregants and visitors, particularly working to prevent sexual abuse of children and youth; assesses and considers physical risks and takes appropriate action; and reviews and amends the Safe Congregation Policies), and Planned Giving Committee (promotes awareness of and encourages giving to the Endowment Fund and counsels congregation members as to the methods and means by which gifts may be given).

All congregants are warmly welcomed to participate in the work of our beloved community. Please contact any trustee, circle coordinator or committee chair to find out more about the ways that you can become involved.

Board of Trustees:

Mary Mogerley, President
Liz Kempey, Vice President
Jan Bottcher, Treasurer
Lynn Gligor, Secretary
Hetty Hirshman, Trustee
Maria Geiselhart, Trustee
Jackie Nadler, Trustee

Circle Facilitators:

Jeff Summerville, Asset Management
Dawn Walter, Congregational Connections
Judd Seals, Governance & Well-Being
Laura Krag, Spiritual Development
Margaret Summer, Welcoming & Participation
Joanna Davis-Swing, Wider World

Nominating Committee:

Cecilia Bistrim (2nd year)
Aurora Coya (2nd year)
Dana Clark (1st year)
Susan Fink (1st year)

Mike Meyers (1st year)

Committee on Shared Ministry:

Judd Seals, chair
Rev. Sarah Lenzi
, Minister
Bea Cronin
Sally Lewis
Kathy Smolen

Safe Congregation Response Team:

TBA, chair
Mary Mogerley, President of the Board
Rev. Sarah Lenzi, Minister
Jeanne Nametz, Director of Religious Education
Ben Grossman

Carol Loscalzo
Dan Summer

Planned Giving Committee:

Ira Mendelsberg, chair
Ed Collins
Peter Duran

To view past Annual Reports, click here.

To view USR Board Meeting minutes see below:

For more recent minutes, click here.

May Meeting Minutes 2022
March Meeting Minutes 2022
February Meeting Minutes 2022
January Meeting Minutes 2022
November Meeting Minutes 2021
October Meeting Minutes 2021
August Meeting Minutes 2021
June Meeting Minutes 2021
April Meeting Minutes 2021
March Meeting Minutes 2021
February Meeting Minutes 2021
January Meeting Minutes 2021
November Meeting Minutes 2020
October Meeting Minutes 2020
September Meeting Minutes 2020
May Meeting Minutes 2020
April Meeting Minutes 2020
March Meeting Minutes 2020
February Meeting Minutes 2020
January Meeting Minutes 2020
December Meeting Minutes 2019
November Meeting Minutes 2019
October Meeting Minutes 2019
September Meeting Minutes 2019
June Meeting Minutes 2019
May Meeting Minutes 2019
April Meeting Minutes 2019
March Meeting Minutes 2019
February Meeting Minutes 2019
October Meeting Minutes 2018
June Meeting Minutes 2018
May Meeting Minutes 2018
April Meeting Minutes 2018
March Meeting Minutes 2018
February Meeting Minutes 2018
January Meeting Minutes 2018
December Meeting Minutes 2017
November Meeting Minutes 2017
October Meeting Minutes 2017
September Meeting Minutes 2017
August Meeting Minutes 2017
June Meeting Minutes 2017
May Meeting Minutes 2017
April Meeting Minutes2017
March Meeting Minutes 2017
FebruaryMeeting Minutes 2017
JanuaryMeeting Minutes2017
DecemberMeeting Minutes 2016
April 2016 Minutes
March 2016 Minutes
February 2016 Minutes
January 2016 Minutes