An Invitation to Participate

Please click here for important information about attending this Sunday’s hybrid service – in person or on Zoom.

Visitors are always welcome! We have visitors at nearly every service throughout the year.

visitor-20160117-89You will be met by a greeter in the foyer as you enter. They will be the first to welcome you. A coffee/social hour follows the service and they are there, too, at the Membership Table to answer your questions and offer you ways to begin to know us better.

What to expect on a typical Sunday

  • Our services begin at 10am, last an hour, and include music, readings and an address by our minister or an invited speaker.
  • Religious Education is offered for all children from nursery through high school.
  • Our coffee hour begins immediately after the service. In addition to speaking to someone at the Membership Table, you’ll have a chance to meet and talk with some of our members, and to stop at our Social Responsibilities table where you will see the many social justice issues our members are committed to working on.

kids-20160110-84What to expect when you visit with children

  • We suggest you come a little early if you’re coming with children.
  • The greeter inside the front door will arrange for someone to show you the facilities and tell you about the programs we offer for your children.

Getting connected

We always encourage newcomers to consider coming to some of our educational and social events. All of these are open to everyone – members and newcomers alike. A few of these are:

  • One Book where the group chooses fiction and non-fiction to read and discuss;
  • Covenant Groups where small groups consider life issues that matter;
  • Events sponsored by Wider World Circle teams on current social justice issues including movies, speakers, book discussions and more. All of these can be found on the calendar on our website.

Newcomer brunches and Introduction to Unitarian Universalism classes which will be announced in the weekly eblasts. Please contact us at if you would like to receive our eblasts. If you are new or if you aren’t getting the eblast, please fill this out. It will give us a chance to get to know you and to make sure you’re getting our communications.

Click here for driving directions and parking.

Click here to learn more about what Unitarian Universalists believe.