Summer 2019 at USR

The Sunday Services Committee is pleased that we have a wonderful roster of guest service leaders for this summer. There will be a wide range of voices, and we hope you can join us for a number of these services.

Sunday service begins at 10:00 am, followed by friendly conversation and refreshments in the Fellowship Room. Nursery available for children up to age 6. All are welcome. Hope to see you there!

June 30, 2019
Katie Byron – “We Came Here to Dance”

July 7, 2019
Allen Wells – “Me, We, Thee”

July 14, 2019
Stacey Mitchell – Engaged Buddhism”

July 21, 2019
Dr. Edward Frost – “Living in the End Time”

July 28, 2019
Allen Wells – “Sacred Activism”

August 4, 2019
Emily De Tar Birt – “Atheist Spirituality”

August 11, 2019
Dr. Edward Frost – “Mr. Franklin’s Religion”

August 18, 2019
Benjamin Van Dyne – “Sentences of Thought”

August 25, 2019
Rev. Allen Wells – “Shall We Connect or Convert?”

September 1, 2019
Dr. Edward Frost – “Near Enemies”