It is impossible to predict all of the winter weather conditions that might warrant the cancellation of meetings, events or Sunday services. In an effort to provide an approach that might enable members and friends to anticipate what to expect, the following guidelines are being offered:
- In the event of winter advisory or storm warning, or where Ridgewood schools/public buildings are closed, the Society will be closed as well (this applies to Sunday Services and the office during the work week).
- Don’t take any unnecessary chances. If you feel that there is significant reason to question your safety while traveling on the streets, stay home.
- If an ice storm is in progress, stay home.
- If you decide to stay home and you have volunteered for a task (coffee hour, greeting, teaching an RE class, etc.) please notify your contact person by telephone as soon as possible.
- If a considerable ice or snow storm is predicted, check your email, Realm and this website for information.
- In the event of a major snow storm on a Saturday night or Sunday morning:
- The church web site ( will be updated as soon as any decision to cancel has been made; signs will be put on the doors.
- If a snowfall of 5″ to 10″ has occurred on any Saturday night or Sunday morning, check the website for updates;
- If a snowfall of over 10″ has occurred on any Saturday night or Sunday morning, there will be no service held on that Sunday.
Now that we’ve learned how to do services online, we have the Zoom option to keep us safe while still connecting virtually. The decision to cancel on-site Sunday service will be made Saturday night jointly by the President and the Minister. If we are going online, please JOIN US ON ZOOM:
Click on the link below to join by video and audio via computer, iPad or Phone. You can also phone in on this number: 646-558-8656.
Meeting ID: 935 7977 8428
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,93579778428# US (New York)