Greetings From the Former Board President

Welcome to the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood!

Congratulations to Mary Mogerley on becoming President! She is the go-to person on Board matters. Someone commented to me that perhaps the reason former UU congregational presidents disappear is to make space for the next leader. I plan to continue being visible at Sunday services (for my own spiritual nourishment), but I’ll be working hard to “disentangle” myself from other roles.

USR’s  Vision Statement proclaims our aspiration that “We will be a vibrant, religiously progressive community of all ages and stages of life. We will celebrate our differences and welcome all those who share our values.”

We are that, and are becoming moreso! Just look around these pages, or (better) sign up for emailings, or (best) join us on Sunday morning at 10 AM live or on Zoom.

If you want to know what some of our members have found at USR, check out this part of our YouTube channel: USR Stakeholders. And if you want to see recordings of Sunday sermons, click here.

Since 1896, we have been, in the words of our centennial historian Doris B. Armstrong, “creating and maintaining a warm community of religious freethinkers, and furthering love and justice in the wider world.” There is room and welcome here for you!

If you’re interested in learning more, our Resource Handbook has lots of information, or reach out to me ( or to our Administrator Ann Pareti ( or 201-444-6225).

Jack Lohr, former President for the Board of Trustees