As Unitarian Universalists, we uphold the inherent worth of every human being.
For this reason, we have long condemned gun violence and worked towards common sense gun control.
We are deeply troubled by the most recent massacre in Parkland, Florida. But the groundswell of activism and engagement, especially by youth and young adults, gives us hope that we can help bring about change.
The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood has a deep and abiding commitment to social justice. We recognize the disproportionate impact gun violence has among our society’s most vulnerable: children and youth, the poor, victims of domestic violence, people of color, and those struggling with mental illness.
Gun violence perpetuates existing racial, gender and economic injustice, and makes it more difficult to protect children, families, and the mentally ill.
Unitarian Universalism is a religion of deeds, not creeds. In the coming months, the Social Responsibilities Council will provide information about gun violence, and promote initiatives and actions aimed at preventing future gun violence. We look forward to working with other groups, among these, the UU FaithAction NJ, Moms Demand Action, and Sandy Hook Promise. Click here to learn about upcoming events in our area.
We welcome you to join us.
If you have any resources or links you’d like to add to this page, please send your suggestions to
Links of interest:
Article by Sarah Ruiz-Grossman of HuffPost
We Need To Talk About Black Lives And Gun Violence After The Florida Shooting:
1969 testimony by Fred Rogers: