Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bring “Grow Back Stronger” to Fruition!

So far, over $314,000 has been pledged toward our goal of $400,000. Many thanks to those who have already responded and gratitude for your generous pledges. So…Dear members and friends of USR who have not yet responded, Please:1. Send in … Continue reading

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USR Directory of Members & Friends

Members and Friends on Realm REALM is USR’s secure, private, Facebook-style member platform.  It offers an online directory of members and friends and the latest news and events. It lets you manage your pledge and contributions, including payment by credit card and bank … Continue reading

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Commit to Grow Back Stronger!

Thank you to the 73 households who have responded to our annual pledge drive, committing $252,145 toward our $400,000 goal. We’re anticipating many more answering the call by our deadline of this coming Sunday, April 3. Last Sunday’s Town Hall … Continue reading

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