Category Archives: Uncategorized

USR Holiday Services

December 16th: The Unseen and what’s beneath the surface December 23rd: Winter Solstice (All Ages) December 24th: Christmas Eve Service (5:00 PM Brass band, 5:30 PM Service) (All Ages). December 30th: Poetry by the Fire Service (10:00 AM)

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Sharing our Story: racial tension/racial justice – Rev. Sarah Lenzi

The history of anti-racism in Unitarian Universalism is complicated. We go back through the controversies of the 1970s, and discuss the work being done now to help align UUism with our highest ideals of equality and justice. Play in … Continue reading

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Being and Becoming – Rev. Sarah Lenzi

All our lives we are Being and Becoming. So often, something gets in the way and we receive messages that who we are is not enough and who we want to become is impossible. Join us as we reaffirm the … Continue reading

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