Category Archives: Podcast

Sowing the Seeds – Rev. Sarah Lenzi

This pre-election sermon reminds us that how we choose to engage our civic responsibilities has implications for the generations to come. We talk about ways to ensure our values inform the seeds we plant for our children and our children’s … Continue reading

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All Souls Day – Rev. Sarah Lenzi

Throughout the world, in many traditions, a day is set aside for the purpose of remembering the dead, honoring them, celebrating their lives and affirming our own place in the cycle of life and death of which we are all … Continue reading

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Sharing our Story: racial tension/racial justice – Rev. Sarah Lenzi

The history of anti-racism in Unitarian Universalism is complicated. We go back through the controversies of the 1970s, and discuss the work being done now to help align UUism with our highest ideals of equality and justice. Play in … Continue reading

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