Author Archives: Jack Lohr

Commit to Grow Back Stronger!

Thank you to the 73 households who have responded to our annual pledge drive, committing $252,145 toward our $400,000 goal. We’re anticipating many more answering the call by our deadline of this coming Sunday, April 3. Last Sunday’s Town Hall … Continue reading

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Town Hall to Review Finances and Draft Budget

President Dawn Walter and Treasurer Chris Dunnigan will be leading a USR TOWN HALL this Sunday, March 27 immediately after the service to provide context for our pledge drive campaign. Be sure to attend! As of Tuesday, we have received … Continue reading

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We’re Growing Back Stronger!

By now, you’ve received (and read!?) your  Grow Back Stronger mailing. (If not, please contact Ann Pareti.) Please plant your seeds ASAP so they can grow, too. President Dawn Walter and Treasurer Chris Dunnigan will be leading a USR TOWN … Continue reading

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