Author Archives: Jack Lohr

Update your Zoom Software, NOW!

It appears that more than a third of our Sunday Service Zoom attendees are using older versions of the software. It’s usually best to handle this before a time-sensitive log-in. Please check your version now.  From a computer:     … Continue reading

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Open Minds and Mouths–Let’s Talk!

A year ago this month, Rev. Sarah preached a sermon envisioning USR as a more inclusive congregation. She invited us “to engage in conversation with those who hold deeply different views from us.” Referring to our national malaise, she said, … Continue reading

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Board’s May Meeting & Follow-Up on Town Hall

            With gratitude for all the input from the congregation at the April 28 Budget Town Hall, the Board of Trustees will hold its monthly meeting tonight at 7 PM to continue the work of dealing with our projected budget … Continue reading

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