Author Archives: USR admin2

This Saturday, September 10th from 10:30-11:30am IMPORTANT PRESS CONFERENCE in support of Assembly Bill 547, which restricts use of solitary confinement in correctional facilities. Speaker: Assemblywoman Shavonda E. Sumter, Primary Sponsor and others Experience that confinement by stepping into a … Continue reading

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CALLING ALL SOCIAL ACTIVISTS AND CONCERNED UUs:  UU Faith Action NJ, our UU lobbying group, held their annual issues conference via zoom last Saturday, Nov. 7.  In addition to hearing from speakers on gun violence, attendees joined one of the individual task … Continue reading

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Our Interim Minister responds to recent events

Dear USR Community, Below are two messages we received earlier this week from Rev. Dr. Tony Johnson, our interim minister, about the very disturbing events of the past week. Links to the latest racial justice news are provided on this … Continue reading

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