Every Sunday at 10am, we get together for Sunday service to celebrate in community – always on Zoom, and when conditions permit, also in person. Visitors are always welcome! Please read the following information carefully as it contains a lot of information about how this works.
Sunday services are currently IN PERSON and ONLINE.
For zoom link, please email 113cottage@gmail.com and request to receive our eblasts.
For those intending to attend in person:
Our guidance for in-person attendance changes as conditions require, most recently on February 8, 2023. Here is the guidance from Safe Congregation Response Team, endorsed by the Board of Trustees:
Revised Guidance on Covid
(Approved by USR Board of Trustees, Feb. 8, 2023)
Throughout the pandemic we have strived to balance welcome, community, and safety, aware that only through truly taking care of one another can we build an open and beloved community.
As we come to the third anniversary of the pandemic’s beginning, we, the Safe Congregation Response Team (SCRT) have determined that we have reached the time to align out policies with those of the wider community. As such, we will be ending all mask mandates, limits on eating, drinking and singing, and requirements for office closings (though we reserve the right to alter policy should a new strain or new pandemic arise).
We will, however, continue to recommend as strongly as possible that:
1. If you feel even remotely sick– sore throat, cough, fever, stomachache, etc– you stay home and attend meetings or services virtually
2. You continue to vaccinate as you are able according to the recommendations of the CDC
3. You mask as you feel comfortable, especially in close quarters and times of increased spread
4. You get tested regularly for COVID-19
As always, if there are comments or concerns, please contact Rev. Sarah or the lay leaders of USR.
With a continued commitment to safety and community,
The SCRT: Rev. Sarah Lenzi, Minister; Jeanne Nametz, DRE; Jack Lohr, President of the Board; Ben Grossman, John Halenar and Dan Summer, Lay Leaders
–Board of Trustees: Rev. Sarah Lenzi, minister; Jack Lohr, president; Mary Mogerley, vice president; Kirsten Huze, secretary; Chris Dunnigan, treasurer; Don Campolo, Craig Hertenstein, Hetty Hirshman, trustees