Beginning THIS SUNDAY, February 23, we’re changing our Zoom account and saving USR more than $2,200 per year! This requires a change in our Sunday Services Zoom link, and a new process for scheduling other Zoom meetings.

This Sunday if you’re Zooming in, just use this link: https://zoom.us/j/93579778428 or click on the new link on our website (remember to reload/refresh the page!) or in the weekly Saturday email reminder. It won’t work to use the old link that might be stored in your Zoom app, or to click on an old email link. If you happen to go to the old site this Sunday, Feb. 23, you’ll find a reminder in the waiting room. If you’re typing the address in, you might find it easier to enter this link https://tinyurl.com/USRZoom (it’ll take you there).

If you use USR’s Zoom accounts for other meetings, here’s how that’ll work:

  • Wider World Circle (including Racial Justice & Reproductive Justice) will be scheduled by Circle Facilitator Joanna Davis-Swing.
  • Other circles and individuals planning a USR event can schedule through Ann Pareti in the office.

How did this happen? We learned we were paying too much ($2638.80/year) for the minimum 10 Business Level Zoom licenses we needed. We chose to go from 10 to 3 Business Level licenses through the UUA ($435.00/year). Our three licenses are assigned to 1) Minister, 2) Sunday Services and 3) Zoom (other). Once we iron out any wrinkles, we expect to get the same level of service we’re used to.

If we plan ahead, Ricardo Levins Morales‘ nightmare won’t occur next Sunday:

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