Honor Ukraine

Sofiya Doroshenko

“Honor Ukraine” was the theme Sunday, May 1, 10 AM at USR. Music Director Ron Levy led a service of music and poetry connected to the war in Ukraine.

The message for the day is captured in a poem by Ukrainian poet Ilya Kaminsky: “When facing the blank wall that is crisis, everyone needs a bit of music, a tune, a balm.”

Sofiya Doroshenko played “Impromptu” by Franz Schubert and shared from her heart about her Ukrainian family.

Ron was joined by Kristen Plumley to offer two songs by Mykola Lysenko, the father of Ukrainian classical music.

Additional music included “Plyve Kacha” or “The Duckling Swims,” a Ukrainian folk song associated with the Maidan freedom rebellion and the war in Ukraine. The lyrics are a dialogue between a mother and a son going off to war.

The service recording is available during May at https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/COIkXy-_FIonp0PGrpzOq9PxeG0lad0W2o2UAT3FOTD0Q_jyUjLYiC3OEny1o5A.lxJpPM-X_mPpkvDC

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