Town Hall to Review Finances and Draft Budget

President Dawn Walter and Treasurer Chris Dunnigan will be leading a USR TOWN HALL this Sunday, March 27 immediately after the service to provide context for our pledge drive campaign. Be sure to attend!

As of Tuesday, we have received 52 pledges totaling $186,705. We’re sincerely grateful to you that have responded, and still hoping to hear from the rest of you by April 3! We’ve still got a long way to go to have 100% participation, and to reach our goal of $400,000.

Click here to preview a draft budget for 2022-23, showing what we estimate we’ll be able to do if we meet our pledge goals.

And consult our website:  for more information, including a link to our latest treasurer’s report. There you’ll find what you need to consider in making your pledge.

If you have any questions, we’d be delighted to talk with you!

The Pledge Drive Team
Jack Lohr, Ira Mendelsberg, Bob Shoemaker

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