A Message from Marilyn Maney

As Facilitator of the Wider World Circle I’ve seen first hand the passion and devotion of our membership to fulfill one of the USR’s most significant missions -acting for justice, transforming self and world.

Whether it’s been a zoom speaker on immigration or the environment, a film on voter
suppression, petitions on legislation affecting the cumulative effects of pollution on low
income communities or letters of support for humane treatment of detainees during the
Covid crisis – our Circle has provided a forum and community to collectively express our
values. This Fall, under the leadership of Carolyn Musser, the Racial Justice Team has
led a ‘get out the vote’ effort that resulted in non partisan postcarding to over 6,000
possible voters, mainly in areas of the country where there is active intent to suppress

In addition, the Wider World Circle encompasses other teams, like an active
Reproductive Justice team and groups with interests in justice and compassion
involving LGBTQ, mental health and food insecurity issues. We welcome your ideas, we welcome your interest, we welcome your participation at any level. And I personally welcome your suggestions on how we can make the Wider World Circle even more robust.

If you visit the Society’s communication hub, REALM.ORG , and look under Groups, you
will see all of our Wider World groups listed. If you would like to be part of any group or
even just be on the message list of a Group please request on Realm or email me

At the risk of repeating myself and banging the same drum, I believe the Wider World
Circle speaks to the beating heart of USR’s mission, acting for justice, transforming
self and world based on the Unitarian Universalist principles we try to live our lives
Let’s walk the talk together.

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