We Welcome You!

Every Sunday at 10am, we get together for Sunday service to celebrate in community – always on Zoom, and when conditions permit, also in person. Click here for important information about attending Sunday Services IN-PERSON or ONLINE. 

Visitors are always welcome! 

Additional online programming and activities are offered throughout the week (click here for details). We offer Religious Education for children (see below) and youth. 

Please contact us at 113cottage@gmail.com if you would like to receive our eblasts. If you are new or if you aren’t getting the eblast, please fill this out. It will give us a chance to get to know you and to make sure you’re getting our communications.

We are an anti-racist, LGBTQ+ affirming, pro-democracy, feminist, environmentalist, theologically diverse congregation that seeks to understand ourselves, to grow beloved community, and to change the world with love.

THIS SUNDAY, February 23,
Rev. Sarah Lenzi will speak on
“A Theology of Suffering” at the 10 AM service, and immediately afterwards the Board will host a congregational Town Hall.

PLEASE NOTE: We have a new Sunday Zoom link. To attend our Sunday services online, use this link: https://zoom.us/j/93579778428 for Zoom services. If it’s easier to remember, you can go to https://tinyurl.com/USRZoom The old link will no longer work. We’re saving USR hundreds of dollars a year. Please forgive the necessary inconvenience.

Click here for snow cancellation guidelines. If in-person services or events are cancelled or postponed due to inclement weather, a notice will be posted here on the home page.