We Welcome You!

Every Sunday at 10am, we get together for Sunday service to celebrate in community – always on Zoom, and when conditions permit, also in person. Click here for important information about attending Sunday Services IN-PERSON or ONLINE. 

Visitors are always welcome! 

Additional online programming and activities are offered throughout the week (click here for details). We offer Religious Education for children (see below) and youth. 

Please contact us at 113cottage@gmail.com if you would like to receive our eblasts. If you are new or if you aren’t getting the eblast, please fill this out. It will give us a chance to get to know you and to make sure you’re getting our communications.

Welcome Back Rev. Sarah! Join Rev. Sarah this Sunday as she preaches from the Pulpit on “A Body in Motion, A Body at Rest”. Wear your new USR shirt to show support.

June “Share the Plate”
Northern NJ Sanctuary Coalition

The June 2024 Share the Plate collection will benefit the Northern NJ Sanctuary Coalition. NNJSC is a not-for-profit coalition of societies, religious institutions, and individuals from Northern New Jersey, addressing the needs of political asylees and asylum seekers who have come to our country, escaping dire situations in locations throughout the world. The goal is to help the asylum seekers/asylees establish themselves and achieve self sufficiency.

Among the services the Coalition provides are housing, access to medical care, financial support, educational opportunities including language instruction, transportation, social events, liaison with attorneys, and help with job searches and dealing with bureaucratic offices. These seekers often have no money, housing or clothes and many are families with young children leading to greater cost of living expenses. For more information, or to volunteer with NNJSC contact Elizabeth Ames or visit: https://www.nnjsanctuary.org